Intuition, Speculation & Abstraction


Intuition plays an important role in recording an experience as a fact of observation. Intuition represents knowledge available at the time of recording an experience. Observer is a commonly used term in theoretical physics discourse. Observer is an abstraction that performs the observation.

Intuition is used to interpret and validate an experience before recording it as an observation. Human intuition can be simulated by a set of phrases representing past experience and learning. It epitomizes the knowledge possessed by the observer. These phrases can not be termed as laws or even hypothesis. They are just experiences which may be waiting to be better understood. They give observer a confidence to understand his experience of nature. After an experience has been interpreted and validated it adds to intuition. Over time, new knowledge becomes a candidate to be part of intuition. An observer may have specialized (limited) knowledge – a subset of total universal truth.

1)       Central to Observation power are three elements

  • Units of observation
  • Capability to Interpret
  • Translation & Communication

2)       Measurements – Dependencies

  • Inclusive Units
  • Exclusive units

3)       Different steps in a observation are

  1. Subject Selection
  2. Object Identification
  3. Experience the subject
  4. Cross-fertilization
  5. Measurements
  6. Translation & Communication
  7. External Cross-fertilization

4)       Lab Observer have defined observations power

5)       Concept observers are abstractions with a narrow set of limitations on observations, These observers can be classified as

  • Object References
  • Independent Observers

6)       All observers have limited power of observation.

  • Some limitations are controlled by laws of nature “Laws of thermodynamics”
  • Others by nature of object – units available for observation & measurements (inclusive & exclusive units).

The object and observer (with its intuition & knowledge) define observation environment and possible results.


In five senses of vision, odour, taste, touch and hearing we have very potent tools of observations. These are un-encumbered senses with exclusive reigns. Absence of encumberance from senses such as Echolocation & Tetrachromacy for vision, makes the humans intuitively conclusive and deterministic.

The respective sensory organs communicate with short term memory of the brain. It is in the brain where first integration with human’s knowledge takes place. This integration results is subject selection and identification (See my last communication on “Concept Observer”). While the senses provide brain with multifaceted raw experience of nature, the integration with contemporary human knowledge and current human disposition results in object identification and subject selection.

The Cross-fertilization of experience with nature and existing knowledge is important part of object identification. The cross-fertilization with silent brain builds context to identified objects as well.

It also results in possible differing perception of same experience by different people and even same person in different state of mind. Thus object identification takes place in short term memory of human brain. This identification also filters (attenuation and re-enforcement) the information contents from sensory organs for long term memory. These results in integration of experience (information received from sensory organs) with long term human memory.

The context describes the speculation part of object identification stage (about past and future state of the identified object).

The speculation part of object identification is clearly experienced in our daily life. When watching a cricket match, those supporting the batting side, look towards the boundary when a batsman swings his bat. Those supporting fielding side, look towards wicket for possible miss (Subject to many other factors). This indicates all of us speculate as we observe about past and future to understand and identify present object identity.

The co-overt process of object identification by humans is brought into light in scientific observations. However, the speculation aspect of object identification is missed. It satisfies the human urge to be conclusive and deterministic in observations.

Examples of co-overt object identification processes abound in astronomy. We collect all of information from various instruments together and then analyse it to identify patterns that is suggestive of a particular phenomenon of interest. Those patterns are amplified to identify observation objects. This process is akin to the process in human brain and includes reality as well as speculation aspects.


Speculation is abstraction in small measure. Speculation is applied to reality of an identified object. The result of speculation is limited to subject object. Abstraction in it-self is removal of the object and understanding the behaviour or patterns.

Application of Abstraction on object movements by early humans resulted in development of numbers and science of arithmetic’s. The development of calendar by caveman by watching moon is an example of leverage abstraction has provided to us. By recognition of patterns marked on the stone by caveman, it was possible for him to predict no-moon day for extra night time precautions for survival. Development of counting symbols – numerals and arithmetic operations of addition, subs traction, multiplication and division collectively seeded the science of Arithmetic’s.

In contemporary physics we find a powerful abstraction on reality in Schrödinger’s equation. Science has developed advanced concepts like conservation, superimposition, and invariance by using abstractions. These concepts are developed by studying different objects and indicate behaviour patterns common to all objects.  Laws of physics by very nature of universal applicability are abstractions of reality. They are independent of the object.

Speculation and abstractions are very potent tools used by humans. They distinguish humans as superior over other creatures. These are used in science as well to regimentise and further develop knowledge about nature.


The basic processes of observation include Cross-fertilization and integration with existing knowledge base. By nature, object identification is first and important part of any observation. Speculation is part of object identification. The element of speculation can only be reduced if the field of observation is increased to all aspects of nature. For this to happen, our knowledge base needs to encompass most of the processes of nature. It is then; science will become a complete logic.

Till such a state of perfect the knowledge base is achieved, speculation constitutes part of observed reality.   By executing abstraction over observed reality, the scope of natural processes is increased, reducing the speculation content in observed identity.

Pico-physics begins with attempt to handle all encompassing reality, present all interactions, into Unary law.  By enlarging scope of applicability to all of universe, it is expected that missing element in knowledge base is reduced. In PicoPhysics the contribution of speculative and abstraction element is attempted to be reduced to minimum possible by using large contemporary knowledge base.

When speculation is introduced as a possible hypothesis, and we set out to verify the hypothesis, it is very feasible that object selection, identification and observation of reality include the speculative element. Thus what we speculate in theory can be later-on verified experimentally.

The verification brings out the part truth in the hypothesis itself. The hypothesis it self being based on reality has an element of truth. This truth is re-enforced by hypothesis in speculative process within process of observation.


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